
Monday, July 18, 2016


The western side of the Chesapeake Bay is a few minutes from my office, and a drive along it's shores is the perfect way to unwind from a crappy day.  There's always something to see, a breeze to feel and the specific aroma of the bay.  Today didn't disappoint.

 Driving along the familiar stretch of pavement, I approached the pier that juts off-shore some 50 to 75 feet.  Designed for fisherman, the portion from shore ends and goes both north and south.  It's common for gulls and terns to be perched there, and they are not often bother by human visitors. There are seldom people fishing here. Among the few usual birds there were three large shapes, so I quickly pulled over.

Fortunately, my near skidding approach didn't cause any alarm and all the birds remained perched. This included three pelicans! They were the large shapes I saw.  It's only the second time in as long as I can remember seeing Pelicans there! In fact, it's the only place I've seen them in this area of southern Maryland.  Next it was time to see if I could pull out my camera and get set up before they bolted.

After reaching in the back seat, getting my camera and changing to a larger lens I looked up to see two remained.  By the time I got out of the truck and retrieved my tripod and set the camera upon it, there was still on left!  I can't explain why by he (she?) gave a big stretch of his head extending the big floppy skin below its bill, it's called the gular pouch and holds fish that it catches before swallowing them whole.

zoomed in to see his gular pouch

Then a gull flying around decided to land next to him which caused the terns to take flight.  The chaos was enough for the Pelican and he flew down to the calmer water below.  Since he was still close I walked up the pier to watch a little longer.

 The second Pelican was nearby, and finally the third made his presence know. It was some distance away, flying low when it suddenly dove into the bay, but came up empty.  It took off in a rather awkward mix of flapping and running on the water and tried a second time.  It came up empty yet again.  At this point it continuing flying down the shoreline till I lost track of him.

The different positions of the wings while in flight give a different feel to the scene. While in the upward extension it looks slightly move graceful. Below the sharp bend in the wing while moving back up makes me think he's in attack mode.

Zoomed in above, pretty clearly a Brown Pelican, which I read is still an endangered species though it may be improving.

Parting shot on his way down the beach, I like that you can barely pick up his shadow in the water.

The short time I spent watching and photographing really helped my mood.  I hope you get a sense of the scene that unfolded, and that you too take a minute to see the beauty around us.


Brian F>

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