
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

New battle lines

I sit here in my comfortable home watching as the latest war, one of passionate rhetoric and opining unfolds. The battle field of public opinion wages on in all the media, and perhaps most hotly on FaceBook. This week’s battles are concentrated on the Syrian Refugee Crisis with the cast of politicians taking the brunt of this war of written words, cartoons and images. Sadly though, we the population follow in the politicians' footsteps with our callous disregard for upholding the dignity of each other.

The opinions seem generally equally divided and equally spiteful between those for bringing refugees to the US and those against it. It’s not the differences that bother me and it’s not the passionate pleas to be heard in the sea of sarcasm. It’s the sarcasm, the belittling, the smugness and self-righteousness that bothers me.

There doesn’t seem to be an area of middle ground for true discourse and evaluation. Those against the relocation are anti-Christian, fear mongers. Those for the relocation are naive socialists that think funding grows on trees. We quote the Bible and financial statistics. We make analogies which point to one side or another. We pick our ‘source’ of information and believe no other source is reliable. You are likely to be considered either heartless or a willing accomplice to the guaranteed destruction of this country.

For my part, I’ve been firmly on the fence. The war is tiring, and a respite from FB may be needed for my own sanity. It doesn’t mean I’m putting my head in the sand and ignoring the issues. Largely though, I feel this war is already been lost. We are ALL losing. We’re losing our respect for each other, and that lack of respect is dividing the nation. Somewhere along the way society has decided that if you disagree with an approach to a difficult issue then you’re either stupid or intentionally bent on a malicious end.  Is that really the case? NO. I contend that the USA is still a pretty great country. I also believe most of our populous agrees with that statement. Further, and I know not all will agree with this, I believe most of the population sincerely want this nation to continue to be a shining light in the world. Despite my beliefs, it’s clear that vast numbers of folks believe “democrats” to be the ill of our Republic, and equally vast numbers view “republicans” in the same lens. Then you can add in the assessments of any particular discriminator for more divisiveness.  For example, what’s your view on Muslims in a general sense? What’s your take on military intervention, and which sides (yes plural) do you support? Racism, sexism.. all further divide us. The list goes on and on.

There are valid concerns to be addressed in this Syrian Refugee crisis. How does the world respond to those caught in the crossfire? How does a large number of refugees get assimilated into our nation? What are the financial costs? How does this crisis compare and contrast to other problems within our borders… veterans conditions, homeless, uninsured, underinsured, unemployment, etc, etc? How is security considered? 

All of these concerns are valid and necessary topics of discussion, debate and resolution. I’m not sure that everyone’s concerns will be addressed to everyone’s satisfaction. Many want a completely safe society. Many want to bring all to our shores because it’s the humanitarian thing to do.

There is risk, cost and compassion battling at my soul to find some happy answer, yet that answer eludes me. That answer eludes the world.  It would be hard to show compassion if there are no resources to provide. It would be inhumane to ignore the pleading of a multitude of desperate people. It would be naïve to believe there is no risk in future terror attacks.

My prayer is that there be some middle ground SOUGHT by all, in a respectful dialogue.  I believe it possible to find that ground. A ground that is supportable and compassionate with a minimum of increased risk to our health and safety. If we worked as hard to find that ground as we do to belittle ‘the other side’ we’d be done in a heartbeat.

I hope you might join me in seeking this middle ground...  Please.. for our sake as well as that of the world.

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