
Thursday, February 2, 2012

How are you seen?

I mentioned previously that I would share some more details of Break Forth Canada.  Here's the first installment.

Our first session was taught by Stuart Briscoe.  Born in England in 1930, Stuart was a bank inspector before coming to full time ministry.  In 1970 he took a full time pastoral position in Brookfield, Wisconsin at Elmbrook Church. where the congregation grew to 7000 strong.  He stepped down from the lead pastor's role to concentrate on global outreach.  He is a wonderful teacher with an amazing vocabulary and strong wit.

He basically asked if we were led by the Holy Spirit, and further how would the world know?  His analogy was quite simple, and regarded the observation of a drunk.  How do you know a drunk?  He(she) is captivated by the intoxicant.  The liquor seeps in and leads the person rather than the other way around.  A drunk person is moved to action by intoxicant, and he is activated by the intoxicant.  His example was of an encounter with a person at a wedding.  Stuart is a fairly tall, and of  medium build, and a rather smaller person staggering near him, bumped into him and wanted to start a fight.  How did he know this was a drunk?  The actions were a give away.  He staggered.  He smelled of liquor.  He acted like a drunk; he thought like a drunk - he wanted to fight, and fight someone who he was rather likely to be pummeled by.

So back to the question for us.  How are we seen?  Are we walking a life that would be in evidence of some greater guide than our own understanding? Are we motivated by our call to walk with God?  Are we peaceful, humble?  Are we speaking, thinking and acting like a people that are trying our best to be guided by God?  In Stuart's vernacular:  Are we captivated, motivated and activated by the Holy Spirit?

My synopsis does not do justice to the talk.  I wish you could hear the full discourse.  His careful choice of words, and the depth to his stories were fabulous.

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