
Monday, September 1, 2014

Annapolis: A few random shots

These shots will conclude our walk around Annapolis last Friday. 

The first couple are at the harbor end of the City Dock.  Pilings are held together with rope into a larger structure that a large boat docks against.  I "Googled" it, and found it's called a Dolphin.

 When I walk around, particularly with a camera in hand, I notice "lines."  These may be shadows from a fence or any number of things, usually from a man-made object.

In this case the horizontal wire rope, the vertical pilings and the diagonal staples caught my attention.
 This on is very similar, but add the synthetic rope as well in the background.

This Pinkney St. section has three textures in one small section.  The cobble stones in honor of the street's history, next to the more typical modern black top, all of which is flanked by the brick side walk.

 The siding below with the textures from the layers of paint jumped out with the setting sun, and then I noticed the reflection from the Stop sign on the corner.

 Okay, I posted this one before...  I just really like it.

Last one.  Planes can be seen on their approach to BWI (Baltimore.)  They're still quite high, but I wanted to see if I tell which airline they are after using my small zoom (125mm) and then cropping in software.  They answer is yes.  Spirit Airlines.


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