
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Annapolis - Part 2

In the last post I talked about the ducks.  This time I'll continue with part 2 of the tour around town.  My preface is that you should really go check it out for yourself.  The photos are just a taste of a couple streets.  We have been up and down Main St. often and it has lots of shops - tourist traps, ice cream, chocolate, restaurants, clothing,  etc.  This time, starting near the City Dock, we went up Pinkney St towards the State Capitol before cutting over to Main and back down to the Dock.

 This is part of  Ego Alley, the brick building in the background is the Marriott Waterfront.  It's restaurant, Pusser's Caribbean Grille is right on the water.

I'm a sucker for taking pics of the local canines, no matter where I am.

 Found this attractive lady.

Everyone needs a selfie

This guy just seemed interesting, hanging out on the City Dock, waiting for a concert
This woman could hardly walk in those heels, it was a riot.

A nice Lemond bike

 Okay, so this is a pic of Pinkney Street, which is wide enough for one car.

Many of the homes were decorated with window boxes

I liked this one inparticular

 I believe this is a device to help pull off you boot?

A few of the homes are brick

I noticed how many wires are hanging on this street.  It's a time capsule of sorts.  Think of it this way: There would have been no wires - back before electricity.  There are typically no hanging wires in new developments.  This is square in the middle of the technology - wires hanging from poles.

 The one above is now from Main Street.  Look at the detail.  You won't find that any more.  I hope someone will restore it to it's former glory.

 One shop on main had this sign.  I got Deb and a 'passerby' to stand and point it out. "Please do not block our window,  Thanks"  Maybe the store has the right idea.  It got us to point it out and people to stop to look in .. if for only a minute.  You might notice the reflected "OPEN" sign.

 This kind of captures the friendly vibe and color of Main St.

Yes you can find a bike with a basket on the front handle bar in Annapolis.

Guess that's it for now..

Next time.. some boats.


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