
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Souther Maryland Drive

 We had the day off for the Martin Luther King, Jr, holiday, and so took a drive through southern Maryland.  Our first stop was close to home at Cecil's Mill.  Once a textile factory and then a flour mill as shown in the first photo. We toured the Country Store across the street.  After a quick stroll looking at the art, candles and assorted accessories we walked around a bit. 

Cecil's Mill

 The original Holy Face Church was plannted  on the adjoining property to the mill in 1887.  Not much to look at from the barrier,  even the front door is on the other side.  I'm sure it served it's purpose, as the church is still functioning not far away.

Holy Face Church

 The next stop on the road, found another home that is falling down

Then the we drove down to Drayden to a marina and campground.  The Oyster boats are in for the season.  There were three in the marina.

We left and continued our drive, and wandered our way back.

All in all, a very nice afternoon.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Broken Dreams

We live in an area that is a strange mix of suburbia and rural landscapes.  There are the towns with some sections that have seen better days, and there are homes on the waterfront that can command an easy million or more to own.

Just by looking at the disparate housing options you know there's a large range of incomes.  Beyond that though there are signs of the truly lost.  You can overlook these sights easily enough.  They sit forlorn along the sides of the roads sitting behind overgrown vegatation.  Have you seen these sights on trips you take around your town?

I've seen these  and others while out and about.  I wonder who owned them and what their hopes and dreams may have been.  I wonder what caused those dreams to break.  How did these houses, vans and stuffed animals end up being abandoned?

I know there could be any number of reasons for the demise shown in the photos.  I know too there are folks  that seem to be just a step away from being in a similar position.  Life can be tenuous.  Are we just one paycheck away from falling on hard times?  Are we making bad choices that lead to severe consequences?  Is there an addiction that needs to be treated and controlled?  How close am I to having broken dreams?

 I know too that dreams are personal.  I can help you with your dream, but the work is yours, just as reaching mine is a task for me.  I can support. I can aide.  I can assist.  I can't work harder at your dream than you.  What am I, what are you, willing to change to get a step closer to those dreams?

This poor bunny was just outside of the trailer

This home was right behind the trailer below
 The world is not fair to all.  Shouldn't we, though, be living to be fair to all?  I'm not sure I know how to best do that, but my prayer is that I grow more aware and more able to do so.  My prayer is that together, you and I, can make a difference - one step at a time in helping each other reach that rainbow we've set our eyes on.

 Prayers that you find and hold on to your dreams.


Long past it's prime, it's been partially stripped of the skin, probably sold as scrap.

Friday, January 6, 2012

More Birding

So I had a great day of birding.  It wasn't a long concerted effort, but I saw a number of birds that made my day.  I simply took a lunch time drive enjoying the 60 F temperature in January and found quite a few treats. First, my Bald Eagle was perched high in a pine tree.  Then as I went on I came across the site I had been waiting for:  The swans are back!

So taking a closer look, they appear to be Trumpeter Swans with their black beaks.

Then I came across the guys below.  I thought they were some kind of Plover, but until  a little post photo production - ie, cropping big time to zoom in on them I wasn't sure exactly what.

So the news is that after catching them in flight and zooming way in, I'm quite sure they are Killdeer.  Their a common plover you see jetting here and there in quick spurts, usually on the shoreline, parking lot or even a gravel covered roof top.

 You can hardly notice them in the photo on the left, but when you zoom in - as below, the wings definitely show a Killdeer.  I love the exploration after taking the photos.  I'm learning a lot.

 The day ended with a another short diversion on the way home.  I was hoping to snap a few more photos of some birds, but the sun was heading home a little too quickly.

I did see a kingfisher, but he was too quick to be see on film (digital film anyway.  He has a most notable cry.  You can here it on this page.

So the adventure for the day ended with the sun finally calling it a day, and letting the moon stand watch.  Just the way it should be.

All in all, another beautiful day in creation.

I also took a few pics last Saturday to share.  I was able to take some shots of a gull soaring barely overhead on the boardwalk at Solomons Island, MD.  Enjoy.